Thursday, May 16, 2013

news for the weekend

Blown Away

This Sunday is Pentecost. That's the day in the church we wear red because some where back in time the church began to wear red to celebrate big events. in the annual calendar of the Christian year, Pentecost is the only time where red is specifically designated. It is worn for other special events that crop up year to year. By "wear" it means the covers on the altar and lectern, and the stole worn by the pastor. But we extend it to ask you to wear something red for this special day.

Why is this day special? Because we tend to get wrapped up in ourselves and begin to take credit for things done in the name of "church." Now remember, the unfolding of God's relationship with we creatures in the Bible is not with heroic, accomplished folks, but those who are dysfunctional, scared, scarred, limping, broken, lost, afraid, arrogant, proud, get the picture. God doesn't use in the Bible people who have it all together. Why? Because the heroic figures always take credit for themselves. The people God uses know that the credit is due to God because of the messed up nature of their lives.

Well, Pentecost is the time we remember that the HOLY SPIRIT from God which Jesus unleashed on us as our constant companion, empowers us to be the body of Christ and to serve the mission of Christ. We can prepare for this like the disciples did with the 24/7, 3 year Jesus training academy, but even that didn't get them ready. After the resurrection, they are not competent, confident, capable people. It is the spirit descending on them as though fire is out of control that gives them the capability and the power to share the gospel. They knew the gospel from their 3 years with Jesus, but they didn't know how to do it. And there was no training ultimately to get them over that hump. It was the Holy Spirit that took them over. And here we are today 2000 years later with the same mission and the same incompetence on our part. BUT with the same Holy Spirit. Wear red. Let's celebrate!

Grace and peace,
David Loar, Pastor


The KAT meeting has been cancelled for Saturday, May 18.  It will be rescheduled later.

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