Friday, May 22, 2009

as of Fri May 22, 2009

Worship Services
Sunday 9:30 am the theme is "Getting Ahead". The scripture is from Mark 9:33-37 & Matthew 12:11-12. The image for Sunday is a child's hand in an adult hand.
Friday Taize song, prayer, scripture and quiet 6:00 pm
in the parlor

Folks gather with David Loar, our pastor, at Angel Falls Coffee shop on West Market Street in Highland Square on Mondays, 6:00-7:00 pm and Fridays at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1530 W Market Street on the east end of the Wallhaven neighborhood (across the street from where Harcourt ends at Market Street) 1:30 to 4:00 pm. You can set up more private conversation with David by contacting him at or 330-760-7169.

Pentecost and Blessing of the Animals

Sunday, May 31st which is one of the holidays of the Christian Church when we celebrate the power of God in a holy spirit coming upon those who were ready to witness to the presence of God in Jesus Christ in the world now. The traditional color for the day is red and we encourage folks to wear red.

That afternoon at 2:00 pm in the front yard along Market Street we are having a blessing of the animals and invite all folks to join us in thanking God for the gift of our special companions.

Bible Reading & Reflection
Thursday mornings, 9:00 am at the Summit Mall food court. We are reading through the Psalms. It is a time of good community and listening to scripture as it was originally intended.

Visit our web site at

Fairlawn West United Church of Christ, Akron, Ohio blessing of the animals, holy conversation, Pentecost

Saturday, May 09, 2009

update Sat May 9, 2009

The 11:15 am Sunday worship service has been discontinued.

Join David Loar for conversation after the 9:30 am Sunday service in the parlor.

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