Friday, September 04, 2009

Sept 4 2009

Fairlawn West News
Sept 4, 2009
"offering hospitality to all God's children"

*9:20 am on 09/06 we change our start time for worship. New Covenant Community Church will be coming into the sanctuary after our service to get ready for their service that begins at 11:05

*Our prayers are with Ken King who's mother died this week and Marian Moore who has been back and forth between her residence at Rockynol and Akron General Hospital in recent weeks with a major decline in her health.

*"100 Holes for the Homeless" Mon, Sept 21 at Rosemont Country Club. David Loar is doing the golf marathon again this year to raise money for Interfaith Hospitality Network which we are part of to host homeless families. If you would like to participate as a golfer or to make a pledge/donation for David per hole or a single amount, contact him at There is a pledge sheet available in the front lobby or email your pledge to David info

*David Loar is in the Pastor’s Study Mon, and Fri mornings 9 am-12 noon. He is in at other times, but his schedule calls him to other settings at various times, so contact him 330-760-7169 or if you want to definitely be in touch with him. He is also at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1530 W Market Street on Fridays, 1:30-4:00 pm.

*Ginghamsburg Church (near Dayton) "Change the World Conference" Oct 22-23. info If you are going, check with our office to see about other people going from Fairlawn West.

*Women's Retreat, Ohio Conf UCC Lantern Fellowship, Sept 18-20, at Pilgrim Hills Camp south of Millersburg. info

*Bring Peace to the World
-Heifer International
-Nonviolent Communication/Giraffe Language
-The Peace Education Project

*Weekly groups that are open to all:
1. Sewing and Prayer Group, 9:00 am, Fireplace Room
2. Prayer & Worship gathering on Mondays, 7 pm in the Vista Room. There is a prayer request book in the front lobby to write your prayer requests or place them on the back of the Connection Card. You may also phone them to Julia Hines at 330-730-1339 . Guided by Julia Hines and Mary Mounts.
3. Bible Journaling gathering on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. To help you learn about the Bible and to reflect on scripture in respect to your own life and the wider world. Guided by John Gossett and Mary Mounts
Bible Reading & Reflection on Thursdays at 9:00 am in the food court at Summit Mall. Led by David Loar. Now reading through the Epistle (Teaching Letter) to the Romans.

*Ministries of Outreach and Service that are open to all:
1. Williard Food Pantry, 742 Johnston St in southeast Akron. 3rd & 4th Tues of month, 9 am-12 pm & Sat in between 10 am-12 pm.
2. Interfaith Hospitality Network hosting homeless families in our bldg every 9 weeks. Coordinator is Jan Irwin, 330-864-4461 or . We are hosting the week of Sept 13 and need people to help with overnights, van driver, and preparing food for supper.
3. Kids Hope USA, mentoring younger elementary age children at Resnick School, during the school year. Coordinator is Mary Austin 330-571-3587 or
4. Habitat for Humanity Blitz Week begins Fri, Sept 11 at 211 NW 24th Street , Barberton. We will need people to help with building, and with food for volunteers. We are hosting the meal for volunteers on Mon, Sept 21. Contact Mary Mounts to help. 330-864-6679

*Friday Taize worship service - Taize worship service on Fridays at 6:00 pm in the parlor. 35 minutes of song, prayer, scripture and quiet meditation.

*Starting Fresh Sunday - Sunday, September 13th during the 9:20 am worship service

*New Sermon/Vision series - Starting on Sunday, September 20th, David Loar will begin a sermon series on the Book of Acts.

*Web site-
regularly updated Fairlawn West info blog-
David Loar's blog-

Fairlawn West United Church of Christ
2095 West Market Street
Akron, OH 44313

*Links in this newsletter

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