Friday, December 22, 2006

Core at 4

Starting Sun Jan 21 The Core at 4 (pm). The state of Ohio has just designated a core curriculum for all high school students. This will be a core learning experience in the tradition of the church.

1) Crash Course on Jesus. This is the 4 hour introduction via video and conversation that David Loar has taught for the past six years. You are encouraged, but not required to read "The Secret Message of Jesus" by Brian McLaren and chapter 1 of his book "A Generous Orthodoxy" entitled "The Seven Jesuses I Have Know."

2) Bible 101. The 7 session course that David Loar has taught in the past using a variety of resources.

3) Reading and discussing the the book "God’s Politics" by Jim Wallis

4) Developing and strengthening your spiritual disciplines. Reading and discussing the book "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster.

5) The 4 part video series "Here Comes Everybody: Christian Communities That Work" with Diana Butler Bass, Brian McLaren, and Alan Jones.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Fairlawn-West leadership information

The Cabinet leadership team of Fairlawn-West (Tom Ghinder, Paul Richert, Mary Austin, Kate Loar, and John Gossett) is looking at a variety of resources for the direction of FW.  If you want to read some of the background they are using, go to  Your involvement with this process will be very helpful.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas Eve

The Christmas Eve service for Fairlawn-West United Church of Christ will be Sunday, December 24th at 7:30 pm. An invitation is extended to all who want to share in a special service of hope and peace. 2095 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44313 330-864-2179

further direction for FW

The Cabinet leadership team of Fairlawn-West (Tom Ghinder, Paul Richert, Mary Austin, Kate Loar, and John Gossett) is looking at a variety of resources for the direction of FW. If you want to read some of the background they are using, go to Your involvement with this process will be very helpful.

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