Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Eve

Our Christmas Eve worship service is at 7:30 pm.  We will have a time of music prior to the worship service starting at 7:15 pm.  We will have in the parlor starting at 7:00 pm cookies and wassail.  

update for Dec 13

*Bible Reading & Reflection, Thursdays 9:30 am in the Vista Room.  Wednesdays  6:30 pm in the Pastor's Study.
*Christmas Eve service will be at 7:30 pm. 
*Marianne Sutton is selling hand crafted Christmas ornaments to support the UCC Christmas Fund which provides emergency funds for lower-income UCC clergy families and supplements to retired UCC clergy and surviving spouses who have low pension incomes.
*The Rev. David Loar is at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar, 1520 W Market Street on Fri from 1:30-4:00 pm for conversation. He can be reached at 330-760-7169 .   Canceled until January 4th.
*What Would Jesus Eat cooking and eating group, NEW, once a month, starts Wednesday, January 9th at 6:00 pm.  Contact David Loar if you are attending .
*Soup Potluck after the service on Sunday, January 6th and repeat on the 1st Sunday of upcoming months.
· John (& Julia) Glass, 647 Cliffside Dr, Akron 44313,  330-836-4418
· Marge Austin, Rockynol,  1150 West Market St, Akron 44313, 330-835-5480
· Marie Wise, 1991 Brookshire Rd, Akron 44313, 330-836-5495
· Betty Dalton, 1900 Ashwood Dr, Akron 44313, 330-836-4369
· David Loar

Friday, December 07, 2012

David Loar incapacitated

I will not be available generally over the next few weeks as I await surgery for and recovery from a hernia.

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