Friday, April 01, 2011

newsletter April 1

Fairlawn West UCC email news April 1, 2011

- Loar's Log…

- Outside Clean Up Sat April 2

- Tetelestai, Passion musical drama, April 21 & 22

- One Great Hour of Sharing offering April 3

- Church Calendar

- Spirituality of Work

- Prayer Gatherings

LOAR'S LOG...David Loar, Pastor

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We are coming close to Holy Week. We have a context this year of the war in Libya and the devastation in Japan which can help to raise the questions of the meaning of the Cross.

I am very grateful for the leadership of the Council and the Trustees. We have spent intentional time in spiritual reflection when we meet…which changes everything! As the Apostle Paul wrote, “we do not live as those who have no hope.” I am becoming more and more aware of how anxiety has become the dreaded monster of our time. There is much medication out there for anxieties. I often wonder what God is seeking to do with our anxieties since a lot of scripture is written around very, highly anxious situations. Jesus said, “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." (from Matthew 11:28-30)

The ways of the world are often shaped by despair. So what does Easter mean in a despairing world? Remember, for the real church, every Sunday is a celebration of Easter. Not with a rah, rah pep reality, but a deep confirmation of faith that God has broken into the reality of this world NOW with the reality of heaven. Ask Jesus about that.

Grace and peace,




Please come help us spring clean the church gardens next Saturday (April 2nd) from 9 am until noon. Come for all or part of it as your schedule permits. Bring your own equipment if you have it, such as: gardening/work gloves, leaf rakes, garage brooms, clippers, black garbage bags, wheelbarrows, drinking water, etc. Let's have some fellowship while we make God's house more inviting!


Kathy Sasowksy & Katie Byard Carney



This musical drama of the events of Holy Week will be hosted by us on Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, April 21 & 22. It will be the end of a 6 week run done by the cast all over northern Ohio. We expect the sanctuary to be full both evenings. If you are called to help serve Christ's body in promoting and/or hosting this, please reply to Tetelestai home page



We will receive this special offering on Sunday, April 3. Right now funds from last year's offering are being used in Japan and across the Pacific in response to the earthquake and tsunami. Funds continue to be used in West Virginia from flooding a few years ago and along the Gulf Coast in response to Hurricane Katrina among other settings. For updates on the catasrophes and efforts to recover visit Church World Service. For more info on the United Church of Christ OGHS



We now have online an updated church calendar at .


Here is a great article by Sister Joan Chittester about the most troubling issue for most of those in the church – how do I maintain a spiritual life in the midst of my work setting.



The Praise to God and Prayer for Others gatherings are on all but the 1st Sunday of the month following this worship service in the Northeast Room. This is an important part of our mission to pray for others.

The Centering Prayer gathering is the 1st Sunday of the month in the Northeast Room after the worship service and the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 8:45 am.. The prayer time is 20 minutes. For more info on centering prayer, find the brochure in the front lobby. Please join this group when you can.

12 Step Recovery Groups

Meetings for Alcoholics Anonymous, Emotions Anonymous, and Sexaholics Anonymous meet regularly in our building. Check the bulletin board in the main hallway for more information.


Fairlawn West United Church of Christ

2095 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44313

330-864-2179 (this number has been down for a number of weeks and is still not working, but the phone company said they "will get to it." Call Alison Oswald our secretary 330-612-2642 or Pastor David Loar at 330-760-7169 until the church lines are fixed. latest info on Fairlawn West David Loar's blog

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