Friday, January 07, 2011
summary of Council of Elders meeting Dec 18
The Council of Elders (Mary Austin, Paul Richert, Alison Oswald, Dick Pasher) met on December 11 with an opening devotional and a discussion of the Core Value "gathering as a community known as the body of Christ". Steve Myers, treasurer, walked us through the budget for 2011. We will be operating with a 60,000.00 + deficit. We recommended the budget to the congregation at the annual meeting. We discussed the AOK fund task force work. We talked about the progress of the work of the nominating committee. The task force has met and begun to discuss some policies on how to use the fund and ways to administer the fund. We discussed the visitation ministry that John Gossett is developing. We took time in the middle of the meeting to read a devotional to help us to keep centered spiritual with God in the midst of all the business. We had an hour long conversation about our relationship with New Covenant Community Church. We are repaying NCC several thousand dollars because of our agreement that says their fee is 1/2 of our building expenses. They pay a monthly fee based on past years costs. This year we at Fairlawn West have tried to be more resourceful in the ways we care for the building and to be more energy efficient which has meant our costs were down $20,000 from the previous year. It is felt we need to have a bit more conversation within our own leadership and then approach the 3x3 shared team with New Covenant to consider changes in the agreement. We closed with a prayer for Dick and Dottie Pasher and then all shared in the "Go forth into the world...".