Saturday, September 18, 2010
Newsletter Sept 17, 2010
We vote tomorrow, Sept 19 following the 9:20 am worship service on our Open and Affirming Mission Statement.
"As a community of faith, we declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming church. We welcome people of every ability, age, economic status, gender, nationality, race or sexual orientation to join us in the full life membership and ministry of Fairlawn West United Church of Christ.
"We believe that every person is a child of God, made in god's image, loved by God, and invested with dignity and worth; and that discipleship requires us to "Welcome others as Christ welcomes us" (Romans 15:7). As an Open and Affirming Congregation, we embrace diversity in our congregation and in our community.
"To exclude persons from the church and society because of sexual orientation or on any other basis withers away the Body of Christ. When one part of the body suffers, all others suffer with it (1 Corinthians 12:26). Instead, we vow to do all within our poser to promote justice and healing through our commitment to being an Open and Affirming Church.
"We give glory and thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for the many diverse gifts and talents that God has given all of God's children."