Friday, August 13, 2010
Fairlawn West UCC Aug 13 2010
weekly updates
*We are preparing to take a congregational vote September 19th to become an "Open and Affirming" Congregation in the United Church of Christ. On Sept 12th we will see the documentary "For The Bible Tells Me So" and have a potluck lunch after the worship service. To become O&A, we will officially adopt a an O&A Mission Statement. The one below is proposed by our O&A Task Force.
"Mission Statement to become an Open and Affirming Congregation within the United Church of Christ"
As a community of faith, we declare ourselves to be an Open and Affirming church. We welcome people of every ability, age, economic status, gender, nationality, race or sexual orientation, to join us in the full life membership and ministry of Fairlawn West United Church of Christ.
We believe that every person is a child of God, made in God's image, loved by God, and invested with dignity and worth; and that discipleship requires us to "Welcome others as Christ welcomes us" (Romans 15:7). As an Open and Affirming Congregation, we embrace diversity in our congregation and in our community.
To exclude persons from the church and society because of sexual orientation or on any other basis withers away the Body of Christ. When one part of the body suffers, all others suffer with it (1 Corinthians 12:26). Instead, we vow to do all within our power to promote justice and healing through our commitment to being an Open and Affirming Church.
We give glory and thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ for the many diverse gifts and talents that God has given all of God's children.
(prepared by the Fairlawn West UCC Open & Affirming Task Force: Betty Breth, John Gossett, Barb Greve, Dick and Dottie Pasher, Rev. David Loar)
*Habitat for Humanity house - 1180 McIntosh Ave. in Kenmore. Blitz week continues through Saturday, August 21st. Volunteers are needed to help with the luncheon on Friday, August 20th. Volunteer workers are also needed now until the house is completed in November. See Mary Mounts after worship or give her a call at 330-864-6679.
*A Centering Prayer Workshop, Sat, Aug 21, 9 am-3 pm in Twinsburg. There is more information on the front lobby window.
*NEW COURSE "Wrestling with Angels" series is canceled this Wed and will meet again at 7 pm on Aug. 25.
*Rev. David Loar is in the Pastor's study Monday and Friday from 9am to 12 noon and at Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1520 W Market Street on Fri from 1:30-4:00pm for conversation. He can be reached to schedule other times at 330-760-7169.
*Other upcoming gatherings:
- Living More Simply group, Sun, 6:30 pm, Fireplace Room, Chapter 2 of "Voluntary Simplicity"
- Preschool Board, Thurs, 4:30 pm
- hosting Labyrinth in the Fellowship Hall for a group from Emmanuel UCC, Doylestown
- Taize worship service, Fri, 6:00 pm, parlor, afterwards a discussion to consider going to once a month rather than once a week
*Some background for Sunday's theme "Sin is Not a 4 Letter Word":
From Dallas Willard, pastor, author and prof of philosophy at the Univ of Southern Calif :
In today's presentation of the gospel, Jesus' death is primarily presented as a ransom that deals with guilt and the effects of guilt regarding our standing before God. But there is more to life than guilt. Once you have been forgiven, you still have to live. Jesus is about the redemption of actual life from actual sin. It is by entering into his life, which is still ongoing on earth, that we are delivered from actual sin. The New Testament is absolutely clear on this. You just take Colossians 3, Philippians 3, 1 John and Titus 3. All make it clear that the righteousness which is by faith is a matter of being delivered from the evil that is around us in action and that we are in danger of falling into ourselves.
Faith in the living Christ raises us above merely being delivered from the consequences of sin. We need a doctrine not only of justification but of regeneration. We need a picture of our life in God that does not leave most of our life untouched. What has happened today is that we've reduced salvation to justification. We've reduced the saving work of Christ to his death on the cross. So what relevance has the resurrected Christ? None! Apparently, we would have gone to heaven even if Christ had never risen from the dead, because the payment was made in full on the cross. At that point, we would have all gone to heaven because God could not have found anything against us; it would have all been forgiven. Nothing else would have been available to us to make us ready for heaven, so that we would be comfortable when we get there! I shudder when I think of many people who are professing Christians today winding up in heaven; I don't know what's going to happen to them. I think they could not be very happy in heaven if they have not gotten acclimated here.