Friday, July 09, 2010
email newsletter July 9 office@fairlawnwest .org
2095 W Market St, Akron, OH 44313
Open and Affirming Congregation
July 18-Aug 1 Sundays 5-6 pm study group of the book "The Children are Free - Reexamining the Biblical Evidence on Same-sex Relationships" all are invited to be part of this group leading up to our vote as a congregation
Sept 12 Sunday, following the worship service a potluck lunch and then view the dvd "The Bible Tells Me So". A very good reflection on the church, scripture and particularly our misunderstanding or lack of understanding on passages often quoted to condemn homosexuality.
Sept 19 Sunday, Congregational Meeting to vote on becoming an O&A congregation
Interfaith Hospitality Network/Family Promise
We are the host church the week of July 18-25 for at least two families that are in the network. We are seeking van drivers for morning and evening all week, overnight hosts for the 18th and 24th, meal preparers for the 18th, and early evening hosts on the 18th and 25th. A number of folks have already indicated they will help and we will be in touch with you the coming week, but we still need more people to help. We also need folks to help set up the beds and rooms on the 18th and to take them down the 25th. contact office@fairlawnwest .org
Miller Ave UCC Vacation Bible School Sack Lunches
Miller Ave UCC in the Summit Lake neighborhood between Summit Lake and south Main Street serves a community that is probably the most blighted in Akron. Many lots are now empty, many houses boarded up and the remaining houses have large numbers of people living in them along with many long term senior citizens who have been in the neighborhood for much of their life. David Loar is now a member of the Miller Ave Mission Board which is made up of a number of representatives from area UCC churches who support the mission, members of the neighborhood and other interested folks.
One of their most successful programs is the Vacation Bible School for children of the neighborhood which is staffed by folks from The Chapel. We at Fairlawn West will provide on Tues July 20th & Thurs the 22nd sack lunches for 60 children. We will assemble the lunches at our bldg on Mon the 19th. Then at 11:15 am on both days we will deliver the meals and pass them out. If you can assist with this, please contact office@fairlawnwest .org
Another ministry is "Lunch on Us" which usually serves 150 people a Sat noon lunch. We will be hosting Lunch on Us on Sept 18. Plan to help this great service in Christ's name.
Secretary for Pastor & Church
Alison Oswald will be transitioning in to being the Pastor/Office Secretary starting the end of July. Mary Austin will continue into the 1st week of August. Alison and her husband Andy have been members of Fairlawn West for 2 years. Their son Griffin is 5 months old and you will see Griffin in the office as well. Alison has her degree from Kent State in library science and has also served the National Heart Association in developing school fundraisers.
Julia Hines has found due to her school schedule she is not able to devote the needed time to the bookkeeper role (financial secretary). We are now posting the position for 15 hours a week. We have one potential candidate in conversation, but in case that does not work out, we will still receive applicants for the next week.
Living More Simply Group
We are now starting to read through the book "Voluntary Simplicity" by Duane Elgin. The group meets on Sundays at 6:30 pm. We also share in good whole foods potlucks and buying organic, locally raiseda and grass fed meat as well as gardening and other food processing and cooking ideas. We raised $275 for the UNICEF campaign to end international child labor and slavery through our yard sale two weeks ago.
Marian Moore
We give thanks to God for the life of Marian Moore who died at age 90 last Friday. Her memorial service was in our sanctuary on Monday. We lift in our prayers her daughter and son-in-law Jan and Bob Bier and her granddaughter Kara Kaufmann (and husband Andy).