Friday, June 25, 2010

Fri June 25

Fairlawn West UCC update

-Don't forget the Yard Sale for Justice tomorrow/Sat in the front yard of the church facility from 9 am to 1 pm.  The proceeds from this sale will go to the UNICEF program to end international child labor.  Bring your stuff to sell.  Invite people to come to buy. 

-Worship Sun at 9:20 am.  The theme is "Jesus Speaks to the Disciples" (that's who we are as the church). David Loar won't be at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar today/Fri.

-The following quote is from an article by Bob Buford in Learnings which is is a weekly email newsletter for church leaders from the Leadership Network.  Buford became a multi-millionaire and then through his Christian faith developed an organization with Peter Drucker called Halftime which is helping people move beyond making money in their life and using the last half of their life to be significant in the world.
"...last Thursday's Wall Street Journal (June 17) carried a remarkable story. The one sentence opening paragraph said this:

"Warren Buffett and Bill Gates called Thursday on their billionaire peers to give away half of their wealth."

The story continues, "The pronouncement of Messrs. Buffett and Gates stems from a series of dinners the two men held over the past year to discuss the effects of the recession on philanthropy with some of the nation's richest people. … The result of the dinners is an invitation called the Giving Pledge which asks the nation's billionaires to publicly commit at least half of their wealth to philanthropic and charitable groups within their lifetime or after their deaths. … The goal is to create an expectation in society that the rich should give away their wealth and create a peer group of wealthy people who can offer advice on philanthropy. … "One of the most important things about philanthropy is that people do what they are passionate about. They won't do it otherwise" said Melinda Gates.

… New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg said, "I am a big believer in giving it all away and have always said that the best financial planning ends with bouncing the check to the undertaker."

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