Friday, April 09, 2010

April 9, 2010

Loar's Log We have some great opportunities coming up that you will see below: Centering Prayer, Living More Simply, and a presentation in Cleveland by my seminary prof that I often quote, Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann.
Our mission statement is "to offer hospitality to all God's children." Check out this video to learn more about what that means "intentional hospitality."
Grace and peace,
Pastor David Loar

NEW COURSE meets again on Wednesday. April 14 at 7:00pm in Pastor Loar's study. We are watching Monty Python's "The Life of Brian." Join us for the popcorn and movie. We will finish "Genesis: The Living Conversation" series over the following 2 Wednesdays before we move on to a new focus.

Contemplative/Centering Prayer Sunday, April 11, at 11:00am in the Fireplace Room. ½hr. Will gather the 1st Sunday of the month in future months.

'Living More Simply" is a group that will begin on Sunday, April 18 at 6:00 pm in the Fireplace Room. This will be an ongoing group that will study and support one another in living more simply. We will start with a 6 week dvd series "Simply Enough." Tony Campolo and Shane Claiborne have created an intensely personal dialogue about the foundations of the Christian life and voluntary simplicity. It is founded in Scripture, especially the words of Jesus. Sessions include: Lifestyle, Food, Celebrations, Stuff, Money, Justice.

Rev. Dr. Walter Brueggemann speaking, Sunday,April 18, 2:30 pm at Church of the Covenant, 11205 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland. He is Pastor Loar's former Old Testament seminary professor. He is well known internationally for his biblical scholarship and the author of many books. He will reflect on how we interpret scripture in light of the anxiety that is present in the world around us and how much of the world, including the church, is seeking security from God when scripture offers a journey with God.

Akron Area Interfaith Council Walk To Stop Hunger - Sunday, May 2, FW will be participating in this inter-faith hunger walk to raise funds for the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank. John Beck is organizing FW's involvement, so talk to him at a card table in the lobby after worship, or call 814-8184.

We are helping to sponsor the Diamond Classic for Kids which raises money for school health nurses and aides as well as athletic trainers for school districts in our area. For $100 we are sponsoring 10 school children to attend the Thursday, May 2 baseball game between Kent State and Akron U baseball teams at Canal Park at 6:00 pm. We will be recognized in the program and on the electronic scoreboard. If you would like to contribute towards our $100 sponsorship, simply make a donation with "Diamond Classic" designating it. Also, as a sponsoring organization, we can purchase tickets for $2.50 each when they are $5.00 at the gate. We need to turn in the ticket orders by April 23. Let Pastor Loar know if you would like order tickets.

Mitzvah Day We are one of the Christian congregation participating with Temple Israel in Mitzvah Day. It will be an interfaith doing of good around the community. It is Sunday, June 13. You can sign up in the lobby for the project you will work on.

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