Friday, March 12, 2010
March 12 2010
national media, Hicks's research focuses on religion in public leadership, religion in the workplace, and the ethical dimensions of economic issues. Hicks has an M.Div. from Duke University, and an M.A. and a Ph.D. from Harvard University. He is a prof of leadership studies and religion at the University of Richmond.
One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be received on Easter. This is a special offering through the United Church of Christ which responds to disaster needs and the ongoing needs of people in developing countries. More info to come.
NEW COURSE on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in Pastor Loar's study. We are now viewing the video series "Genesis: a Living Conversation" and having good conversation about the stories in Genesis. This week we are viewing and discussing "The Test"
Starting a children's ministry called TACKY (Tuesday Afternoon Christian Kids & Youth) on Tuesday April 6 from 5:00PM to 7:00PM.Included will be worship, crafts, music, and meals. Led by Mark & Amy Dieringer. Contact John Gossett 330-836-9693.
"With God on All Sides", Author Douglas A. Hicks, speaking Monday, March 22 at 3 pm free at UA Martin Center & $25 dinner with discussion 6 pm at 1st Cong Church, reservations to Akron Area Interfaith Council, 800 East Market St Akron OH44305. Hicks tells the stories of how diverse Americans have transformed public controversies into cases of cooperation.The key, he believes, is to engage one another across lines of difference with a spirit of humility, build communication and trust, and offer an inclusive vision that is true to America's principles.