Friday, October 30, 2009
Oct 30 2009
- 9:00 am Nursery for children up to age 4, in the Nursery Room
-”KAT/Kids Alternative Time” for kids age 5 to grade 5, leave from the worship service to be a part of "BibleSong"
- 10:45 am The Bible & the 12 Steps of Recovery, Vista Room
- 6:30 pm, Women's AA meeting, Parlor
- Prayer and Sewing Group, 9 am, Fireplace Room, open to all
- Petition Prayers and Worship gathering, 7 pm, Parlor
- AA Speaker's Meeting, 7:30 pm, Fellowship Hall
- Emotions Anonymous, Youth Room, 7:30 pm
- Sexaholics Anonymous, 8 pm,
- Sexaholics Anonymous, 7 am
- Thursday Night Group, open to all, 6:30 pm, Parlor (Fairlawn West small group)
- Pastor David Loar at the Nervous Dog Coffee Shop, 1530 W Market St for converation, 1:30-4 pm
- Taize worship service, 6:00 pm, parlor. Prayer, scripture, song & meditation. canceled on Oct 30
- AA Young Adults Open Meeting, 10 pm, Fellowship Hall
Mon-Fri 8:30 am to 12:30 pm