Monday, July 27, 2009
July 29, 2009
regularly updated Fairlawn West info blog
David Loar's blog-
This Sunday: The Rev. Bob Robinson of Vanguard Church in Canton will be casting the vision in the 9:30 am worship service. check out his blog. its very interesting.
Open to all:
Prayer & Worship gathering on Mondays, 7 pm in the Vista Room. There is a prayer request book in the front lobby to write your prayer requests or place them on the back of the Connection Card. Guided by Julia Hines and Mary Mounts.
Bible Life/SOAP Journaling gathering on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm. Guided by John Gossett and Mary Mounts
Bible Reading & Reflection on Thursdays at 9:00 am in the food court at Summit Mall. Led by David Loar. This group is canceled until Aug 13th. Now reading through the Apostle Paul's teaching letter to the Romans.
David Loar is on vacation until Aug 9th. The Rev. Tom Gerstenlauer is available pastoral emergency calls during this time. You can reach Tom at 330-854-4354. David will not be at Angel Falls Coffee or the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar again for conversations until the week of Aug 10th.
Church Picnic, Sun, Aug 31 following the the morning worship service, at Wadsworth Shelter in Sand Run Park. Bring food to share and your own table service.
Taize worship service on Fridays at 6:00 pm in the parlor. 35 minutes of song, prayer, scripture and quiet meditation.