Monday, April 06, 2009
posted April 6, 2009
Maundy Thursday, April 9 (footwashing for those who desire & communion)
Good Friday, April 10, Tenebrae/Shadows, 8:00 pm
Easter, April 12
Sunrise Service 6:00 am with light breakfast to follow
regular Sunday morning services 9:30 am & 11:15 am
We will not grow in our faith with out the discipline and practice of the observance of our Lord's Passion and Resurrection. If we make this week about us and how we feel and what we get out of it, we will not grow. We will come up empty. As Jesus said to his disciples in the Garden, "Can you not watch with me for at least a little while?!"
The Bible Reading & Reflection gathering is Thursday morning, 9:00 am at the Summit Mall food court. We are reading through the Psalms. It is a time of good community and listening to scripture as it was originally intended.
Folks gather with David Loar, our pastor, at Angel Falls Coffee shop on West Market Street in Highland Square on Tuesdays, 5:30-7:00 pm and Fridays at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1530 W Market Street on the east end of the Wallhaven neighborhood (across the street from where Harcourt ends at Market Street) 1:30 to 4:00 pm. Other than Mondays, you can set up more private conversation with David by contacting him at or 330-760-7169.
Sunday, April 19 at 5:30 pm we will have a potluck supper in the Fellowship Hall followed by drumming in the sanctuary led by Adam Kukuk.
Thanks to Karen
Sunday, April 19th following the 9:30 am service we will have a reception to honor Karen Hodge who was our secretary for 8+ years.
Blessing of the Animals
We will have a Blessing of the Animals on Sunday, May 31 at 2:00 pm.