Monday, March 02, 2009
week of March 1
This past Sunday on March 1 we started a new worship service at 11:15 using the ancient/historical liturgy of the church.
David Loar, our pastor, will be at the Angel Falls coffee shop in Highland Sqaure on West Market Street on Tuesday evening 5:30-7:00 pm for conversation. Also, on Friday afternoon at the Nervous Dog coffee bar 1:30-4:00 pm.
The Mall Bible Reading & Reflection is on Thursday. This gathering has gone on for 8 years in the food court at Summit Mall at 9:00 am. We read through the Bible not so much studying it, but attempting to read it as it was originally intended for a gathered group of believers. We are now reading through the book of Psalms.
The Friday Taize worship service is now at 6:00 pm in the parlor. It is worshiping God in song, prayer, meditation, and silence.
Don't forget to move your clocks forward 1 hour on Saturday night for Daylight Savings Time.