Friday, September 05, 2008

Karen Hodge wins award

Karen Hodge receives award
Karen Hodge, our secretary, was one of five awardees of the Employees of Distinction award hosted by Goodwill of our area. Every year Goodwill invites all the companies and organizations in Summit County to nominate employees who they believe are "Employees of Distinction". This year there were 40 nominees. All the nominations are read blind by a select committee and then the top five are selected without a specific awareness of who they are, where they work or who nominated them. The banquet was held on Wednesday, September 3, 2008 at Guy's Party Center. After all 40 nominees were recognized, the top five were announced. Karen was one of the five! Each of the five received a specially designed clock. This is a richly deserved award for Karen for the many ways she lives out her calling as a disciple of Jesus Christ through her job. But it is clear it isn't a job, but it is her life and faith that are reflected in her service not just through Fairlawn West, but in all the ways she serves God.
The nomination was made by Mary Beth Kluge and David Loar on behalf of Fairlawn West.

Karen award

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