Wednesday, June 27, 2007
new Sunday worship service starts Aug 5 - Fairlawn West UCC, Taize/Iona service
For seven years we have had a Taize worship service weekly on Friday evenings. We are shifting that service to Sundays at 11:00 am in the sanctuary starting Sunday, August 5, 2007. The Taize service grew out of the Taize community in France which started after WW II as a spiritual renewal setting for the youth of Europe. Today it is a world center for youth who come to spend a week in discussion and worship.
We use the prayer songs from Taize and the Celtic Christian retreat center of Iona in Scotland. There is also spoken prayer and extended times of silent meditation.
Fairlawn West Calendar
related links:
What is a Taize service?
US Taize community site
Taize, France site