We will be starting our new service "No Experience Necessary - for those burned out, turned off and left behind" on Sunday, September 11th at 6:00 p.m. It will be good to have back two of our old
ChristStream service jazz trio with Andy Michaelic on the keyboard and Patrick Wagner on drums. Our theme song will be B.B. King's
The Thrill is Gone. We will be using a lot of jazz and pop rock music. It will be more of a service of conversation than of liturgy. Will be interesting how we keep the focus on the worship of God instead of simply pleasing human curiosity. We will be in the sanctuary which now has the pews removed with chairs and some of our cafe tables in place.
Our intent is to offer an opportunity for people who have not been part of church at all or at least for a while to be part of a setting that is inviting and yet transcending. Can it happen? I think it happened among our faith ancestors such as Paul and others. We pray that God will be us and that we will be with God.