Sunday, July 24, 2005

UCC revival...local church revival

I just read an article that reflects what is happening at Fairlawn-West. It is the same spirit and direction...and is most heartening to know that this same "spirit" is manifesting itself in other parts of the United Church of Christ after a long period of frustration with and criticism of the seeming liberal, secular norm that was being established in the guise of "church."

The article is in The Christian Century magazine and is about this year's annual meeting of the Massachusetts Conference of the UCC. Page 1 and Page 2. In learning about the author, Diana Butler Bass, on google, I found some other articles that relate to us in our journey over the past few years especially. She is the author of THE PRACTICING CONGREGATION: IMAGINING A NEW OLD CHURCH. Here is an index of what I found:

from US News & World Report - Religion in America: Pumping life into mainline Protestantism
from the Alban Institute - her chart of the differences between established and intentional congregations
from Religion & Ethics News Weekly - an interview with her about the emerging church
especially among mainline churches.
from the Washington Post - article about her study of the 50 most vital mainline, mid-size churches in America
site for her project - Project on Congregations of Intentional Practice
from Virginia Theological Seminary where she is on the faculty - her bio page with links to stuff she has written
a blog with great quotes, references and insight - of her stuff, especially faith, religion, nationalism
a review of her work - What Makes for a New Old Church?

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