Friday, June 03, 2005

news from June 3

wed weekly June 3, 2005
Fairlawn-West United Church of Christ
2095 West Market Street, Akron, Ohio 44313

Sunday worship service June 5
Theme is our 4th Core Values "worshiping God using creative expression"
Matthew 2:1-2, 7-8, Matthew 4:7-8, Psalm 150. Do you use worship with the intention that something will be said and/or done in worship to get you through the rest of the week? That would make Sunday the first day of the week as our worldly culture has made it. This puts humans at the center.
Do you come to worship God having used the previous six days of the week so you will be prepared to be with God in worship on Sunday? This is when Sunday is the 7th day of the week after the first six of creative work. This puts God at the center. That leads to creative worship where we invest ourselves with God rather than expecting the preacher and others to put on a good service for us so we can get our moneys worth or at least get something helpful out of it. When we invest our whole self into the worship of God...WE GET GOD!!! WHAT MORE COULD WE WANT?

At 10:45 a.m. children’s Sunday School meets in the Fireplace Room, the youth gathering is in the Youth Room, the continuing Book of Acts study group is in David Loar’s office. All of these are open to new folks.

Cell Groups
We invite and encourage you to be a part of a Cell Group to grow and nurture your spiritual life as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Indicate on the Blue Connection Card if you would like to join a group.

Will Play for Change concert Mon, June 13th
Visit the web site for this tour of which we are hosting one of the concerts
The money raised from these concerts will go to Mission of Mercy. We need some help in advertising and hosting. If you can help, contact

Emerging Culture An Interactive Curriculum, Ministry Resources in a Changing World
Summer school class, Sunday to Friday, June 19-24, 7-9 PM each night
This is a very helpful introduction to the context of the world in which we are doing ministry these days. Want to just learn about the ways of technology that your kids or grandchildren are accustomed to? Want to be less judgmental of the ways of younger generations or at the least to understand them before you make your judgments? Want to learn how to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the world around you? This course will help you a great deal with all of this. Please register for this experience by emailing

The summer school class No Experience Necessary Bible Introduction will be in early July.

What Would Jesus Eat?
Our new diet group
What Would Jesus Eat will have a potluck using recipes from the book on Sunday, June 26th. We will have an email/mail newsletter and get together once a month to share progress and recipes. If you would like to be a part of this group,

Offering for Akron Dental Clinic
The religious bodies of Akron are taking a special offering on Sunday, June 5th to help support the Akron Dental Clinic (see below for more details*). This is the only dental health facility for people in the Summit County area who do not have dental insurance and are under the federal poverty standards. The clinic was closed in January and now the Akron Area Association of Churches and Call to Renewal among others are trying to get it re-opened. Please consider making a donation on June 5th with the memo of "Akron Dental Clinic." There are more details on our bulletin board.
On the mend Clare Llewyllen is recuperating at home. Jean Radak is recuperating at her son's on Garman Road.
Our hopes and prayers are with Donna and Walter Scott’s daughter Lisa. Cindy Cunningham’s father Don Baldwin.
Visit our web page There are a variety of new things available through our web site.
Canoe Trip
This year’s canoe trip is tentatively planned for the third week of July and we will be again on the
Big South Fork of the Cumberland River in Tenn and Ky. We plan to canoe and camp as well take a rafting trip to Cumberland Falls. Contact for more info.

Music Director posting The posting for our Music Director position is at If you know of anyone who might be interested, direct them to this site, please.

New worship to start July 10th Visit the web page to learn more about this new service...6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall (changed from the sanctuary) with cafe setting. "No Experience Necessary (or 'Turned off, burned out, and left out')". Andy Michaelic will be playing the keyboards for this service...Andy was the leader of our jazz trio for the ChristStream service. This service will not have a set liturgy. It will be focused around music requests of those who attend and the questions, affirmations and concerns of those who attend. It will be more of a conversation style, with music and prayer. We will be preparing fliers and advertising in the community for this service. If you can help with that or with preparing the service, let, know. If you know of folks who you think would be interested in being part of such an experience, please begin to let them know about it.

Other items

Celebrate Recovery, every Wednesday, 7:00 p.m. in the parlor

Bible study in the food court at Summit Mall, Thursday, 9:00 a.m. We are studying Ecclesiastes (see intro the book below).

Leader's Prayer for worship service and church, Sunday, Fellowship Hall lobby, 9:10 a.m.

Study of the Book of Acts, Sunday, David Loar's office, 10:45 a.m.

Cell groups are available for all. Contact Right now we have room in Monday 7:00 p.m. and Tuesday 6:30 p.m. groups.

Ohio Conference Summer Camps

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