Friday, April 08, 2005


What kind of music do you find most helpful for you to worship God with?
What vocal style(s)?
What instrumental style(s)?

I don't think there is one style that always works for me. A song that really grabs the people, one that is participatary. Usually the more complex a song is the less easy it is for those of us whom are not musically knowledgeable to get ahold of it. I like jazz, bluegrass, rock, country, how about some variety.
I appreciate what anonymous has written. Those styles of music are my own. The dilemma is to find the musicians that can do all that or have the heart for all of it. That's not simply an issue of musical capability, but of where one's heart and mind is about "church" music. Worship music has been the most contentious matter in the last five years for the church. And the the thin line is how much of this is about us in the context of letting go of ourselves to worship our Creator, our Father, our Redeemer? Music can enable us to do this, yes. But which comes first: 1) the music we want to hear so we are encourage to worship God or 2) a willing heart and mind to abandon our desires and prerogatives which enter into God's worship as humble servants? And then...what music styles reach out to those who want to know more about the God "we" know so that they will find a "home" in worship? An intricate dilemma we face!
Doesn't God hear the silent music of our hearts as well as any of the types of music mentioned. I agree that worship is about God, but if God doesn't care about what type of music, would it be a secondary goal of worship to use music to encourage ourselves. (me!)
I'm always amazed to find inspiration in the most unlikely place! It gives me strength for the journey. Something else may encourage someone else. Even the disciples needed a little bucking up.

Vive la differance.

I liked "Jesus Loves Me" today. It worked at that time and that vision. The songs we repeat from service to service become more familiar and more comfortable and comforting. Mojo Jojo
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