Friday, April 22, 2005

FW for April 22

A reminder that Michael Herbruck's Eagle Scout award ceremony is Sunday in the Fellowship Hall at 5:30 p.m.  Let's help Michael and his family celebrate!
The Cabinet will not meet Monday the 25th, but we will be scheduling the Leadership/Vision Team will be meeting soon.
Devotion and prayer in preparation for worship Sunday 9:10-9:20 a.m. in the Playroom.
(this is being mailed to and our blog at (where you can see postings of calendar updates and also see more about our church...the present "comment" issue is music styles in worship)

Friday, April 08, 2005


What kind of music do you find most helpful for you to worship God with?
What vocal style(s)?
What instrumental style(s)?

Thursday, April 07, 2005

seminary students and ordination

Here are some updates on our seminary students:

1. Michael Baldonado was accepted for the student-in-care status of the Eastern Ohio Association. You must be in-care for at least a year before youcan be ordained as a minister. He received his MA in Theo from Yale Divinity School last May. He will be entering the Clinical Pastoral Education program at Akron General Medical Center. He will be preaching at F-W on April 17.

2. Jack Michael is finishing his 2nd year at Eden Theological Seminary in St.Louis. He became a student-in-care of the EOA last fall. We just got thismessage from him: " I was recently accepted to a summer internship with A Christian Ministry in the National Parks working at the Lake/Bridge Bay area-Employed by Xanterra in Yellowstone. I will be there from May 16 - Aug 30 leading worship and Bible studies 10-12 hours a week and having a regular job with the resort the rest of the week."

3. And a closely related student is Christina Kukuk who is the wife of our Music Director Adam. She is near graduation this spring from Pittsburgh Theo Seminary for her Masters of Divinity degree and is approved by the EOA for ordination. We are hoping she will find a call to serve a local church in the NE Ohio area in the coming months!

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