Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Here and now...December 21, 2011

Here and Now*…a weekly letter from Pastor David Loar Dec 21, 2011
A few days before Christmas I turn 63.  The number has some significance.  It is 5 years older than my dad was when he died.  Yet, he seems to me to be older and wiser than I am/was.  I am the oldest pastor to ever serve Fairlawn Community Church which started in 1946 and Fairlawn West United Church of Christ which merged in 1972.  I suspect I am also one of the oldest in the vein of the former West Congregational Church which started in 1888.  When I arrived here in 1995 my children were the youngest of any pastor of Fairlawn Community/Fairlawn West.  My tenure now at 16+ years is the 3rd longest in the combined history of the congregation since 1888.  With all of that said...I don't feel that old!
I have realized though for the past few years that my ability to envision and imagine ministry in the times we are in is not as "native" as it use to be.  That is, I have the passion for ministry in this time, but my ability to see it clearly is not as it was a decade ago.  I can visit any number of churches serving younger people on the internet and see what they are doing and then wonder how we could do those things here.  But then, I am just the older man trying to copy things of younger folks.  That doesn't mean that we do not do ministry for older folks. The world, though, that we older folks live in has drastically changed as well.  And yet, our minds are grooved deeply in the way things were.  If we did church as we did it 10 years ago we would not even be serving ourselves let alone so many others who are seeking meaning, purpose, spirit and God in their lives. 
It is very clear that this congregation is not what it was 10 years ago.  I am heartened by that.  The average age of this congregation has gone down I figure around 10 years over the last 5 years. There are so many of you who are new from other experiences of life and world.  And there are other folks coming seemingly every Sunday to experience worship as we do it and to join mission as God has called us to serve.  So, how do we begin to use all these new and varying resources that are now among us? 
For me the issue is not "how do we strengthen this church?".  It is "how do we grow and shape this present community of believers in and followers of Jesus Christ?".  That excites me. It is calling forth rather than retrenching in.  It is the image of new wine in new wineskins rather than being in old wineskins which bursts open and sours the flavor of the wine.  Jesus came up with that one! 
There are times I realize and am forced to acknowledge that I am part of the "religious establishment" that Jesus confronted in his day.  I have tried for years to deny that, but no matter what, as a "church professional" it is the case.  That doesn't mean I am outside the circle of followers of Jesus.  As much as he railed against and confronted the religious establishment, there were some such as Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea who were able to transcend their roles in the establishment  and be of service or support of Jesus.  My hunch is that Jesus is not primarily in the church these days, but he can use the church.  The body of Christ is both in the church and far beyond the church. 
Ready, set, go.  Its time.  Whoever we are and wherever we are...we have a purpose in the ministry of Christ called by God to this time and place.
Just a few reminders...
Christmas Eve worship service Saturday, December 24th 7:30 pm
No worship service Sunday, Christmas, December 25th...but a day to celebrate the incarnation of God coming to us as one of us.
David Loar will be on vacation December 25-30.  The Rev. Tom Gerstenlauer of Miller Ave UCC will be on call.  330-854-4354.
New Thursday evenings "Bible reading and reflection group" begins on 12th Night, January 5, 2012, at 6:30 pm in the parlor.
Grace and peace,
David Loar
Pastor of Fairlawn West United Church of Christ, Akron, Ohio
*(The title for this weekly letter to the congregation of Fairlawn West UCC is the life and mission of Jesus Christ. Albert Schweitzer described it this way: "He comes to us as One unknown, without a name, as of old, by the lakeside; He came to those…who knew Him not. He speaks to us the same word: 'Follow thou me!' and sets us to the tasks which He has to fulfill for our time. He commands. And to those who obey Him, whether they be wise or simple, He will reveal Himself in the toils, the conflicts, the sufferings which they shall pass through in His fellowship, and, as an ineffable mystery, they shall learn in their own experience Who He is.")

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fairlawn West UCC newsletter Dec 16, 2011

Hi folks...dear brothers and sisters in Christ.  Here are some updates for the next weeks of our life within the body of Christ as Fairlawn West United Church of Christ.

On Wednesday December 21st we will be having our monthly congregational potluck supper at 6:00 pm.  At 6:45 pm we will have a service called "The Longest Night" and in recognition of the solstice, that not everyone feels the joy of Christmas in this season often due to pain and loss in their life.  We have hosted this service here many years ago.

Our Christmas Eve service on Saturday, December 24th will be at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary.  This year we will have a time of singing with the children of the gospel carol "Children, Go Where I Send Thee."  Also, the younger kids will be given glow lights at the time that the older children and adults will be lighting the candles for the singing of "Silent Night."  

We will not have a service on Sunday December 25th.  There will be a service on Sunday, January 1st at 9:30 am.

David Loar will be on vacation with his family visiting Martha's family in Crossville, Tennessee December 25 to December 31.

Alison, our office secretary, will be on maternity leave from December 19th to the middle of March for the birth of her daughter in January.  We have lined up people to be in the office for each day of the week during that time.  Monday-Mary Austin, Tuesday-Clare Llewellyn, Wednesday-Jake Nash, Thursday-Karen Myers, Friday-Pam Reid & Susan Kolarick.

The Preschool Christmas Party is Wednesday, December 21st at 11:00 am.  Feel free to drop in.  Our new ad in the Westside Leader is posted on the main bulletin board.  You can see it in this week's edition and it will run again next week.  

For 11 years we have had a Bible reading and reflection group that met for over 10 years at the food court at Summit Mall and now meets on Thursdays at 9:30 am in the Vista Room in our building.  On Thursday, January 5th/12th Night, we will begin an evening group at 6:30 pm in the Vista Room.  We meet for one hour to read through and reflect on books of the Bible.  We will start with the Gospel of Matthew.

hosting Family Promise families in our building January 15-22
meal for Miller Ave UCC "5th Sunday" at 4:00 pm on Sunday, January 29th

SABBATH a book by Wayne Muller
"Sabbath requires surrender. If we only stop when we are finished with all our work, we will never stop, because our work is never completely done. With every accomplishment there arises a new responsibility... Sabbath dissolves the artificial urgency of our days, because it liberates us from the need to be finished." 

in this last week of Advent, it is now time to slow down and listen and wait even more. the demonic tempts us through the culture around us to speed up and become more anxious, especially in the week before Christmas. to be a follower of Jesus in this culture is to be counter-cultural as it was in the time of Jesus. The institutions and governing claim to be part of the movement, but they only have a thin veneer and tip of the hat recognition of this time in God's true time. It is not easy to be a follower of Jesus in this culture at this time of year, but it is very rewarding. 

 Fairlawn West United Church of Christ, 2095 West Market Street, Akron, OH 44313;  330-864-2179;

Sunday, December 11, 2011

bulletin board from the Magnificat in The Message

created by Kasey Ziska at Fairlawn West UCC

sanctuary before the service on Dec 11 2011

Here and now...letter from Rev David Loar

Consumer Reports recommended messiah

“Stop trying to protect, to rescue, to judge, to manage the lives around you . . . remember that the lives of others are not your business. They are their business. They are God’s business . . . even your own life is not your business. It also is God’s business. Leave it to God. It is an astonishing thought. It can become a life-transforming thought . . . unclench the fists of your spirit and take it easy . . . What deadens us most to God’s presence within us, I think, is the inner dialogue that we are continuously engaged in with ourselves, the endless chatter of human thought. I suspect that there is nothing more crucial to true spiritual comfort . . . than being able from time to time to stop that chatter . . . ”
― Frederick Buechner, “Telling Secrets”

Buechner has been one of my favorite writers and speakers since the early 1970′s. His book “Telling Secrets” I share with many other people.

I am observing the Christian season of Advent up to the season of Christmas which begins on December 25. This is an ancient practice. The observance of Advent in our time fits with what Jesus said that he came to fulfill the law not to condemn it. This ancient practice is today counter-cultural even though it is far more traditional than what is happening around me. It fulfills what God intended for the world from the beginning.

In the practice of Advent is quiet and preparation for the coming & the return of the Savior. It is both/and. That doesn’t make sense in the modern contemporary world, yet it is what God did and is still doing. It takes time and quiet to live into this. You can’t “understand” your way into it. That is very counter-cultural today to not be able to “get it” so you can figure it out, control it and then do it “right.” This is more about being than doing.

Buechner writes about the internal quiet. That is what we need in this external raucous world we live in. It is what we need for Advent. There are many competing voices claiming to soothe, heal and ease our pain…just as there were at the time 2000 years ago. Jesus of Nazareth was only one of many would be claimants as the Christ/Messiah/Savior of that day. How could you sort out who was the one sent from God? Jesus was the least likely candidate because he didn’t meet any of the long held expectations and stereotypes of what a messiah would be. Consumer Reports would not have him on their recommended product list for messiahs.

How do you know who Jesus is today? How do you know what you are waiting for? How do you know who he is among us now? It is easy to to do Christmas! It is not easy to hear the voice of God direct us to the real messiah in a consumerist culture with many competing products that want our time, our devotion and our money with the promise we will transcend the difficulty, struggle and hurt in this world if we will consume them. The Messiah has far more competitors today than he did 2000 years ago. However, the internal human desire for something to “save” us is the same as It was then. And we think we know the “recommended” one just because we do church, or claim to be Christian or live in the so-called American Christian culture. All of that just makes it that much more difficult to discern (sort out) WHO is the ONE. It deludes us into thinking we know and just need to do “it” again this year to get it right. IT IS NOT THAT EASY!!! It is all the trappings of Christianity and Christmas of our culture that in fact have turned this into a difficult “where’s Waldo?” journey of Advent to hear the voice of God.

So it is time to LISTEN to the voice in our head . Is it it God’s? Time and quiet will tell.

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