The Caller - offering hospitality to all God's children
Fairlawn West UCC newsletter
Fri, Sept 16, 2011
Jazz Quartet to Provide Music in Worship Sun, Sept 18th
Jack Schantz Quartet will provide the music for our service on the 18th at 9:20 am. Jack is the head of the jazz dept at the University of Akron. Andy Michaelic who led music for us in the
ChristStream service we did for a number of years in the Fellowship Hall was a student of Jack's. The quartet is playing for their prelude on Sunday a song Andy often played for us "Black Orpheus." Members of the quartet include Rock Wehrmann, Mark Gonder who played here some in the past with Andy, Mike Forfia and Theron Brown. You can learn more about the quartet at
Soup, Salad...and Weeding, Sun Sept 25th
Sun, Sept 25th after the worship service we will be having a soup and salad lunch, which will become a regular monthly gathering. Following the meal on the 25th, those who can, are invited to join the weeding crew in the courtyard. Bring your gloves and long sleeve shirts.
Wedding Invitation
Megan Kinnison, who has been part of our church community for a number of years, will be marrying Tim Collins on Fri, Sept 30th at 3:30 pm in the sanctuary. Megan and Tim invite us to share in their wedding service.
Monthly Potluck, 1st one on Tues Oct 13th
In addition to the monthly Sun soup and salad we are also starting a monthly evening potluck. The first one will be on Tues Oct 13 at 6:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a dish to share and your own table service. If you forget either, we will have sufficient to share and provide. We plan also to have a short video or experience after each supper.
Blessing of the Animals, Sun Oct 2nd
The Feast of St. Francis is on October 4th. We will share in a Blessing of the Animals in honor of this day on Sun Oct 2nd at 2:00 pm. Weather permitting we will outside. If not, we will be in the Fellowship Hall. Bring your pets. If you can't bring it, bring a picture.
In prayer...
· Jane Davis, Manor Care, 9055 West Sprague Rd, Parma, OH 44133
· John (& Julia) Glass, 647 Cliffside, Dr, Akron 44313. 330-836-4418.
· Florence Steigle, 1047 Edgemere Ct#1, Akron 44321 (Sumner on Ridgewood)
· Bea McDowell, Hospice on Ridgewood
Box City - Family Promise fund raiser, Oct 1-2
Spend a night in a cardboard box to raise awareness and money to help knock out family homelessness. Collect pledges. Bring a cardboard box to sleep in or on. More details at It will be in the parking lot of Bath United Church of Christ on Bath Rd off of Cleveland-Massillon Rd. Starts at 6:00 pm with registration and supper. Evening activities from 7:30 to 10:30 pm for all folks. Quiet time begins at 11:00 pm. Breakfast and tear down by 7:00 am. There are brochures in our front lobby and a poster on the lobby window.
Mission Trips
Eye Care & Surgery Mission Trip to Santiago de Maria, El Salvador - Feb 4-18, 2011
This is led by David Loar's brother, Phil, and is part of an ongoing mission for over 25 years to provide eye care and eye surgery for people whose lives are greatly impacted by the lack of quality health care and adequate vision. Volunteers are needed who do not necessarily have expertise in vision care, but professionals in the eye care arena are greatly needed. The cost is $650.00 plus your airfare and any spending money you would want. You can also help for one week which will coast $375.00. For more information, check with David Loar.
Building Mission to Tijuana, Mexico - Feb 11-18, 2011
This trip is sponsored by the Eastern Ohio Association of the United Church of Christ. There will be an informational meeting and supper about this trip on Sun Oct 16th at Paradise UCC, 619 E Main St, Louisville, OH (east of Canton). 3:30-6:30 pm. For more info contact Steve Schroer 19-271-4361 or John Muskopf 330-262-6766.
Worship and Prayer
Worship 9:20 am in the sanctuary
1st Sun of the month 10:45 am in the Fireplace Room
All other Sun of the month 8:45 am in the Fireplace Room
Fairlawn West United Church of Christ, 2095 W Market St, Akron, OH 44313
Open and Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ