Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fairlawn West UCC newsletter Oct 30 2010

We are now officially an Open and Affirming Congregation within the United Church of Christ.  To learn more go to

The Living More Simply group meets on Sunday nights at 6:30 pm in the Fireplace Room.  We are beginning to look at ways of planning square foot gardens for the church court yard and at home.

The 21st Spaghetti Supper fund raiser for the food pantry is this Friday starting at 5:30 pm.  Please support the Williard UCC food pantry.  Also you can buy tickets for our quilt raffle which was made by our Sewing Group.

Every Sunday morning after the worship service is a time of prayer for others the 2nd through the last Sunday of the month.  The 1st Sunday of the month we gathering for contemplative prayer.

This Sunday is the remembering of the saints who have died in the past year in the tradition of all Saints Day.

Special offering is being received for the Habitat for Humanity house.

The NEW COURSE on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm will begin the 12 week viewing and discussion of the video "Healing and Recovery."  This group is open to all and gathers in the Pastor's Study.

The Council is meeting on Sat Nov 6 to spend time reflecting on its purpose and the mission of Fairlawn West.  Please keep them in your prayers.

You can visit with David Loar at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar, 1520 W Market Street on Fridays 1:30-4:00 pm.  It is a good time and place for conversation about life and what it means to have a spiritual life.

Thurs morning Bible reflection at the Summit Mall food court at 9:00 am is reading through 1 Samuel which is a foundational book in understanding the mission that Jesus comes to fulfill.

Fairlawn West United Church of Christ
2095 W. Market Street, Akron, OH 44313
offering hospitality to all God's children - an Open and Affirming Church of the UCC

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