Friday, June 26, 2009
news June 26, 2009
Facebook page
Links for
- A Jesus Manifesto released this week by Len Sweet and Frank Viola
- United Church of Christ web page on Jesus is the Head of the Church
- Facebook Fan Page for Carlyle Marney who David Loar focused his Vision around last Sunday.
New Prayer & Worship Group
Gathers on Mondays, 7 pm in the Vista Room. There is a prayer request book in the front lobby to write your prayer requests. If there is a prayer need that the person would like to keep confidential (for prayer team eyes only) they can give the request to Mary Mounts, Julia Hines or place it on the back of the Connection Card and note it confidential. The evening consists of singing songs before and after to worship God and approx. 45min. of solid intercessory prayer for the needs of God's people. Anyone can join at anytime and there is no pressure to pray out loud. So for anyone who enjoys praying silently, they are certainly welcome since God hears everything from our heart loud and clear.
We need some disciples of Jesus Christ to help hosting homeless families living in our bldg next week. We are on our Interfaith Hospitality Network week from June 28 to July 5. We need someone(s) to do the overnight on July 4th. From around 8:00 pm to 7:00 am. Contact Katie Byard Carney at
Weekly Worship Services
Sunday 9:30 AM
Friday Taize 6:00 PM a time of quiet, prayer, scripture and prayer in song
Wed SOAP Bible Journaling Group
The Bible journaling process called SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) has returned on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Vista Room. John Gossett and Mary Mounts are leading it. SOAPing is a way for you to be able to be more comfortable with scripture and to grow spiritually. Come by at least one night to give it a try.
David Loar at the Coffee Shops for Conversation
The Rev. David Loar, our pastor, hangs out at two area coffee shops to open conversation. On Mondays, David is at Angel Falls Coffee on West Market Street in Highland Square from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. On Fridays he is at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1530 West Market Street from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. On Sundays he is available after the 9:30 am worship service in the parlor for conversation.
United Church of Christ Akron Ohio news
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
posted Wed, June 17, 2009
June 17, 2009
Congregational Meeting, Sunday, June 21, 11:00 am in the sanctuary. To authorize the Board of Trustees to extends a lease to use our building to New Covenant Community Church.
Fairlawn West is in need of a working push lawn mower. If anyone has an old mower that can be used to cut around the trees, signs, and devil strip on the church's grounds, and is willing to donate it to the church could you let me know. You can contact me at home at (330) 836-9693. Thank you! John Gossett
Interested in a church picnic this summer? Contact John Beck in the office if you would like to help plan a picnic possibly for a shelter in Sand Run Park.
The Inside and Outside Teams for the care of the bldg and property will be called this week to set up an organizational meeting time for each group.
Join us now on Facebook "Fairlawn West Ucc" and Twitter "fairlawnwest". Both have active updates.
Weekly Worship Services
Sunday 9:30 AM
Friday Taize 6:00 PM a time of quiet, prayer, scripture and prayer in song
Canoe Trip
This year's canoe trip will be July 6-9 on the Big South Fork National Recreation Area which runs from Whitley, KY to Oneida, TN. Our group has run this river twice in the past and it is a very scenic trip. If you would like to learn more, contact David Loar at or 330-760-7169.
The Bible journaling process called SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) has returned on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Vista Room. John Gossett and Mary Mounts are leading it. SOAPing is a way for you to be able to be more comfortable with scripture and to grow spiritually. Come by at least one night to give it a try.
David Loar at the Coffee Shops for Conversation
The Rev. David Loar, our pastor, hangs out at two area coffee shops to open conversation. On Mondays, David is at Angel Falls Coffee on West Market Street in Highland Square from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. On Fridays he is at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1530 West Market Street from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. On Sundays he is available after the 9:30 am worship service in the parlor for conversation.
Emergent Co-Hort
Robert Buck who worships at Fairlawn West is re-organizing the Akron-Canton Emergent Church Co-hort. Contact Robert for more details. Tenative times are for June 26. The emerging church is a movement around the world helping those who are outside the church to grow as ones who carry on the mission of Jesus Christ.
Monday, June 08, 2009
posted Mon, June 8, 2009
we are on twitter and facebook
Join our email newsletter group
Informational Meeting on Lease with New Covenant Community Church
The Board of Trustees (Mary Beth Kluge, Becky Gossett, Janet Sattler, Dave Herbster & Steve Myers, Treasurer) and the lease negotiating team (John Gossett, Mary Mounts and David Loar) are hosting an informational meeting about the propose lease with New Covenant Community on Sunday, June 7, at 11:00 am in the parlor. An outline of the details is available in the Snail Mail Newsletter on pg 3 at
Snail Mail Newsletter available online
The mailed newsletter which was sent out on June 4th is available online at
Teams for the Bldg & Property
Many of us have asserted that our bldg is a key part of our mission in helping people to know God and to be able to turn their lives around through our own direct ministries and those of other groups that use our bldg like AA and other 12 Step recovery groups. However, very few of us have been directly invovled in caring for the bldg. With the economic crunch and with our focus on owning all the pieces of our mission and ministry with our whole lives and not just our money, we are starting teams to care for the facility. Please sign up to be on one of our Levite care teams for this building and property. (The Levites took care of the Temple in the Bible). The “Matthew”* team will take care of the inside of the bldg. The “Luke”** team will take care of things outside the bldg. And the “John” team will take care of all the restrooms. We haven’t found a designation for “Mark” yet! We would really like everyone to spend at least one year on one of these teams. The sign up sheets are in the front lobby or email
*Matthew is the gospel for the "insiders" of the religious tradition. **Luke is the gospel for the "outsiders" who are excluded not just religioiusly, but societally as well.
Jim Fisher is home from Akron General Hospital.
Steve Rhinesmith will be on a tour of Israel through next Sunday.
Mary Beth Kluge is on a tour of China.
Sunday, June 14, we will have the baptism of Brandon Hajek.
TJ Ghinder and Ian Mitchell graduated from Firestone High School.
This summer TJ Ghinder and Christine Ghinder are touring the country with the Glassmen Drum and Bugle Corps which is based out of Toledo.
Cabinet(Council of Elders) meets next Saturday at 9:00 am in the Vista Room.
Weekly Worship Services
Sunday 9:30 AM
Friday Taize 6:00 PM a time of quiet, prayer, scripture and prayer in song
Canoe Trip
There are tentative plans for this year’s canoe trip to be late June or early July on the Big South Fork National Recreation Area which runs from Whitley, KY to Oneida, TN. Our group has run this river twice in the past and it is a very scenic trip. If you would like to learn more, contact David Loar at or 330-760-7169.
Wed SOAP Returns
The Bible journaling process called SOAP (Scripture, Observation, Application, Prayer) has returned on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in the Vista Room. John Gossett and Mary Mounts are leading it. SOAPing is a way for you to be able to be more comfortable with scripture and to grow spiritually. Come by at least one night to give it a try.
David Loar at the Coffee Shops for Conversation
The Rev. David Loar, our pastor, hangs out at two area coffee shops to open conversation. On Mondays, David is at Angel Falls Coffee on West Market Street in Highland Square from 6:00 to 7:00 pm. On Fridays he is at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1530 West Market Street from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. On Sundays he is available after the 9:30 am worship
service in the parlor for conversation.
Emergent Co-Hort
Robert Buck who worships at Fairlawn West is re-organizing the Akron-Canton Emergent Church Co-hort. Contact Robert for more details. Tenative times are for June 19 or 26. The emerging church is a movement around the world helping those who are outside the church to grow as ones who carry on the mission of Jesus Christ.
Monday, June 01, 2009
as of Mon, June 1, 2009
Our most recent snail mail newsletter is available at
Lease with New Covenant Community
Informational meeting on the lease to share our building with New Covenant Community Church, Sunday, June 7, 2009 at 11:00 am in the parlor.
The Congregational Meeting to vote on authorizing the Board of Trustees to extend the lease will be on Sunday, June 21, 2009 at 11:00 am.
Sleep in the street for homeless
Bruce Beckle is sleeping in the street this Friday to raise funds for the homeless ministry of Barberton Area Community Ministry.
Bible Reading & Reflection
Thursday mornings, 9:00 am at the Summit Mall food court. We are reading through the Psalms. It is a time of good community and listening to scripture as it was originally intended.
Bible SOAPing
SOAP is a process to journal through the Bible (scripture, observation, application, prayer). This is a good way to learn about the Bible and to grow in your confidence of your understanding of scripture. A group gathers every Wednesday at 6:30 pm in the Vista Room to SOAP. It is led by John Gossett and Mary Mounts. Open to everyone. No experience necessary!
Visit our web site at
Worship Services
Sunday 9:30 am
Friday Taize song, prayer, scripture and quiet 6:00 pm in the parlor
This weekend is the Founders Day weekend for Alcoholics Anonymous where folks from all over the world come to visit the sites for the founding of AA and to share in AA meetings and meetings of recovery.
Folks gather with David Loar, our pastor, at Angel Falls Coffee shop on West Market Street in Highland Square on Mondays, 6:00-7:00 pm and Fridays at the Nervous Dog Coffee Bar at 1530 W Market Street on the east end of the Wallhaven neighborhood (across the street from where Harcourt ends at Market Street) 1:30 to 4:00 pm. Also on Sundays following the 9:30 am worship service, in the parlor. You can set up more private conversation with David by contacting him at or 330-760-7169.