Saturday, October 27, 2007
update Sat Oct 27
15-17 Rebekah took the dress-up clothes of her older son Esau and put them on her younger son Jacob. She took the goatskins and covered his hands and the smooth nape of his neck. Then she placed the hearty meal she had fixed and fresh bread she'd baked into the hands of her son Jacob.
Small groups leaders meet on Sat Nov 3 at 11:30 am in the parlor. These meetings are vital for our small group ministry.
We need additional volunteers in the nursery for the 9:30 am service. Please contact . If we talk about the children as being important to our faith community, we need to put our bodies where are our mouths are.
The Interfaith Hospitality Network annual meeting is Mon Nov 5 at 6:30 pm. There is a meal and then a celebration of this mission which we are part of to help families who are homeless. It would be nice to have one table made up of folks from Fairlawn West. Cost is $10 at Firestone Park United Methodist Church. Contact to make a reservation. David Loar is president of the IHN Board.
An introduction to Appreciative Inquiry will be on Tues Nov 6 in our sanctuary starting at 7 pm. This will be led by Bob Robinson of Vanguard Church in Canton. AI is an organization tool to review what are the gifts of the group and how to use them to be a more effective body.
At The Nervous Dog Coffee Bar 1530 West Market Street:
Sundays Sr Hi and Older Young Adults meet at 11:00 am for discussion.
David Loar is available on Fridays, 1:30-4:30 pm for conversation with anyone who drops in.
The Spaghetti Supper is Fri Nov 9th with seatings at 5:30 and 6:30. All the money raised supports the Williard Food Pantry which serves the 2nd largest group of hungry people served by the Akron-Canton Food Bank.
Tickets are being sold on Sundays and at the supper for the quilt made by the Sew 'N Sell Group with the money raised supporting our outreach ministry.
Fairlawn West News
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
David Loar at gathering in Charlotte
David Loar will be at the Origins conference in Charlotte, NC Oct 15-18. It is sponsored by the Mosaic Alliance and will be led by Erwin McManus of Mosaic Church in LA. Jack Michael who grew up in and is a member of Fairlawn West Church, now lives in MInneapolis and is a candidate for ordination to ministry in the United Church of Christ, will also be attending.
"This gathering of catalytic, pioneering, and entrepreneurial leaders will motivate and equip your team to create an apostolic ethos in your community.
Origins is a leadership development experience designed to equip church and para-church leaders for mission in our diverse, pluralistic, urban, and multicultural 21st century context. Origins also serves as the annual convergence for the Mosaic Alliance, Origins Project churches, and other like-minded ministries.
The Origins experience is designed to immerse your thinking in a cultural architecture for the 21st century. At Origins you will connect with leading practitioners from around the world, Erwin McManus (Cultural Architect of Mosaic), and the leadership team from Mosaic. The entire experience will amplify the frameworks of ministry set forth in the scriptures and laid out in Erwin McManus’ book, An Unstoppable Force: Daring to Become the Church God Had in Mind."
Monday, October 08, 2007
weekly podcasts
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Friday, October 05, 2007
Habitat House
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